Hope to live in the heart of every person : PRATEEK SONI

This is Prateek Soni & i am belogs to a good and happy family. This time will not going to tell you any tips and tricks. I will tell you the :-

A-Z of Success in life

A - Arrive a little early for every date or appointment.

B - Be enthusiastic in everthing you do.

C - Complete every assigned task.

D - Do a little bit more than what is required.

E - Express yourself after you know the fact.

F - Fell comfortable in every situation by beingyourself.

G - Go all out to serve others.

H - Help and pray for your enemies.

I - Inculcate positive value

J - Join in and help when you are needed.

K - Keep your heap cool;it will save your from more trouble.

L - Listen which you hearts, not your ears.

M - Make the best of what you have.

N - Never say it is hard, instead try your best.

O - Open your heart to those less fortunate than you

P - Please yourself by pleasing others.

Q - Quickly response to any emergency need.

R - Remember the spirit of Christmas should be everyday.

S - Study as to excel in your profession.

T - Take advantage of opportunity.

U - Use spare time intellengently.

V - Value your health.

W - Work at your work.

X - X-out any qualities that could lead to failure.

Y - You are the most important asstes. Treat it well, physically and emotionally.

Z - Zestfull meet any challenge.


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