Facebook is a social site on which we can make the new friend. We can message to our friend. Share photos and status with our friend. It is most popular now a days. Everybody make a facebook account. People want to hack facebook account of enemy because of taking revang.
I give you knowledge about facebook hacking. It is only for educational purpose. Please don't try to hack anyone's account. What you get from hacking. If you hacked anyone's account then say sorry to him/her. They also want to enjoy the Facebook and also want to chat with their friends. So please don't play with people's emotion.
Awareness of Facebook......
1) Don't open facebook account in another's mobile.
2) After login always logout the facebook account.
3) Change your password in 2 or 3 months.
4) Dont give password or email to anyone.
Please stop searching sites of hacking. There is no site which give you knowledge about hacking. So don't waste your time. In these serches and chat with your friend on facebook and enjoy your life. Please like and share it.
Enjoyable notice for you:---
But There are ethical courses of hacking. It is in mumbai and it takes 6200 ₹. If you are intrested then go to these institution.
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How to comment without google id...
1) First open Comment as By "Name/URL"
Note -- Please give your correct mobile no. With name.
2) Then type your name in "Name" section.
3) Type your comment and At last publish it