SMS SUB ALERT on +91 7727047184 only on Whats App.
How to get daily deal on whatsapp :
- Add this mobile number +91 7727047184 to your contacts as a name BEST TRIK.
- Then open your Whats App and search for BEST TRIK.
- Message this 'SUB ALERT'
- We will add you soon to our broadcast list.
Rules to be followed :
- Don't ask any questions on Whats App. Ask your questions or queries on the website by commenting.
- Don't reply by giving emotions or comments in reply to our deals.
- If you want to share some tricks you can do that in personal message of Whats App. We will give credits to you on the deal or trick.
- Don't say to us for any tricks or loot deals if it will then we will share it.